Bible: Curricular Framework

The Short Story

The short story for The King’s School Bible curriculum is that we want every student to encounter the Gospel story of Jesus Christ each and every year. This is easily done since the Gospel fits the school calendar so well:

(Click the image to download this year’s pdf)

Weekly Bible Memory Verses (BMVs)

The Weekly BMVs amplify the big ideas of the Gospel. Each week, students work with their teachers and classmates to learn these verses, and they complete learning activities to enrich them. At the end of the term, students are expected to recite the term’s verses to their teacher.

The pdf for the 2024–2025 verses can be downloaded here. We also have a copy of the abridged verses here.

Preschool and Kindergarten students recite the shorter verses to their teachers. If they can recite the unabridged verses, they earn a school certificate.

Year-End Recitations: In June, students can string together the year’s verses, thereby using God’s own words to express the Gospel story. These students earn a Bible Memory High Honours Certificate.

Master of Memory Program

Internalizing long passages of scripture is arguably one of the best activities you can ever do to ensure the word of Christ dwells in you richly. Each “M-of-M” level at the King’s School—Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum—may be completed at any time during the year.

Instead of memorizing, Internalizing is a word that better describes the program’s objectives. The goal is to have God’s Word percolating within and ready to pour out at a moment’s notice.

But, we still like “Master of Memory” as the name of the program. We like the alliteration and we like the M’s. (Students earn a certificate and a 185-gram bag of M&Ms with each level!)

BRONZE—A Worthy Goal for All

The foundational long passage for TKS is John 1:1–18, The Prologue to the Gospel of John, which is arguably one of the richest portions of the entire Bible. We would like every student at TKS to internalize these 18 verses—no matter how long it takes! We believe this achievement is accessible to the majority of students and staff. After all, time is on our side.

The Bronze program grows year by year (Bronze 2, Bronze 3, etc.). If students find the Silver-Gold-Platinum path beyond their reach, they will still grow richly by progressing through the Bronze program.

The best way to understand the progressions is to look at the explanations that accompany our certificate holders shown below.

SILVER, GOLD, and PLATINUM—A Worthy Goal for High Achievers

It’s always great to have the opportunity to excel. Achieving the levels of Silver, Gold, and Platinum requires repetition, contextual understanding, empathy, perseverance, and application.

Students progress through the Silver-Gold-Platinum program horizontally. In other words, Silver leads to Gold, which leads to Platinum. Silver 2 leads to Gold 2, which leads to Platinum 2, and so on. Only a handful of students may ultimately progress through these high levels, but those who do will reap great rewards.

The best way to understand the progressions is to look at the explanations that accompany our certificate holders below.

Master of Memory Certificates





Bronze 2

Silver 2

Gold 2

Platinum 2

Bronze 3

Silver 3

Gold 3

Platinum 3

Bronze 4

Silver 4

Gold 4

Platinum 4

Bronze 5

Silver 5

Silver 6

Gold 5

Platinum 5

Bronze 6

Gold 6

Platinum 6